Penang Weekend Trip!

the room we stayed in

the lemon
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Lebuh Acheh Area, Pulau Pinang
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the malaysian feminist

[picture: the lady was shouting 'im proud to be a woman' several times while placing 'censored' cards on her breasts, groin area, hair, face and buttocks and then kneeling on the floor while whacking herself with a spatula.]

to be a proud woman [i guess in malaysian context] one has to be a home maker and not show parts of the body to the public. i do wonder why they think being a home maker is oppressive? i've had female friends who are happily married that they rather stay at home and be a housewife than work. what does that say about them? are they oppressed? how many women have they asked why they had become home maker instead of slaving away at work? is it a general population or just a few individuals who are intoxicated with the western version of freedom?

in conclusion to what i have seen from pekan frinjan Woman's organization show last saturday:
1. to be a woman, you have to wear singlets and cut your hair short. almost all of them are.
2. to be a woman, you have to wear men's clothes.
3. to be a woman is to feel oppressed if you wear the hijab and cover yourself as according to islamic teaching.
4. to be a woman is to feel oppressed in general.

ah well.
something to liven things up for the moment. my favourite comedy duo!


dulu-dulu punya bahasa sangat menarik, ejaan macam yang disebutkan. peralihan dari bahasa dahulu yang 'pure' riau melayu ke malaysia melayu sangat cepat. since 1963 the inception of Malaysia bahasa telah diubahkan puluhan kali. to me, the olde bahasa is still the best, no only you get the sense of classical bahasa but also the edge of the modernity.

IN this Night

uneventful night.
took halfday cos i was really bored with repetitive work :P .
lepak-lepak with housemate.
had dinner at out favourite place
groupbase caterers in bandar sri damansara.
looking for place to move to soon.
thinking about work tomorow.
thinking about business expansion.
thinking what am i doing sitting here writing this meaningless blog.
wanting to continue season 2 skin series.
tomorow friday.
spa night.
then party?
yeah right.
when have i ever party?
or even club.
i dont like clubs
smelly. smoky.
its choking.
tho id always fancy myself jiggyin my ass to beats.
what ass?
ive got a large bum.
ha ha.
ok absolutely senseless.
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Gah. True Fitness Sucks


had another letter today from True Fitness. it replies to the Letter written by the National Consumer Complaints Centre refering to my complain regarding my termination from the centre.

i had written 2 letters so far and they had not replied back any of my questions.

my question was:
1. why is it that it written in the agreement that i am in a 24months contract; but the first payment of 1st & last month (when i signed he agreement) meant payment for 1 month + 26th month?? it is not included in the 24 montsh agreement.

2. there was no mention of extension of membership of the same amount of months for the months of suspension to medical reason. therefore why was my membership being extended?

the NCCC has been much help, enlightening me to the fact that as CONSUMER we have every right to terminat from any FUTURE SERVICE such as gym membership but within terms and condition as stated by CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 1999 SECTION 17(2). Therefore it is ILLEGAL for any fitness centre to state that YOU CANNOT TERMINATE the membership

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what began with a burning desire to make some extra cash to pay off the banks (credit card debts.. he he he) turns into a skill that could turn any clothe into a tote bag! :P

yeah we started with just making a simple plain tote bag from kain belacu with handpainted prints. then we develope into making it a canvas printed bag with just the handle.
now jeng jeng jeng.. we are turning any clothe into tote bags.
below is an example. bought the red clothe from a femes furniture shop on sale, added some zippers and a few compartment inside.
hows that for evolution? :P

Outrage over caning for model

Thursday, 23 July 2009 10:25
(The Straits Times) KUALA LUMPUR, July 23 — A model who was ordered to be caned by a Pahang syariah court for consuming alcohol in public wants the court to expedite the sentence, which has stirred up a controversy. (its very contreversial in malaysia for Islamic Court to play its role)

If her sentence is meted out soon, it could be the first time that a man or a woman is caned under Islamic law. (cool. no more gender discrimination then eh?)

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil expressed shock at the ruling while another woman MP from the Islamist party PAS said she was surprised that whipping of women was sanctioned under syariah law. (well.. looking at you; ill bet anything sanctioned by Islam is a surprised doesn't it?)

Muslim lawyers, however, dismissed the criticism, saying they were a challenge and an insult to the Kuantan syariah court. (good for you lawyers!)

The woman at the centre of the controversy, Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor, 32, told reporters she wanted the ordeal to be over soon to move on with her life.

“I will accept this earthly punishment, let Allah decide my punishment in the hereafter... The court has yet to tell me when the sentence will be carried out, so I would like to ask them to hasten it. (i salute this brave woman, not only she admitted to her offence which was brave of her but also the guts to carry out the punishment!! )

“I truly respect the court's decision... I admit that it's my offence and not that of others, it's not the offence of my parents, not the offence of my other family members,” a teary Kartika told reporters in her home town in Perak yesterday. (May Allah forgive us all)

She was drinking beer with her husband in a hotel in Cherating, Pahang, two years ago when she was caught by Islamic enforcement officers. She pleaded guilty last year. (how come the hubby didnt get the canning? cos he was singaporean? non-muslim perhaps?)

She was fined RM5,000 and sentenced to six strokes of the rotan by the Pahang Syariah High Court on Monday.

The mother of two, who is married to a Singaporean and is a Singapore permanent resident, paid her fine on Tuesday and decided not to file any appeal.

Earlier this year, two others, a 22-year-old waitress and a 38-year-old man, were ordered to be flogged for drinking in public. But both have lodged appeals against their sentences, which means Kartika would be the first person to be caned if her sentence is meted out. (ahh.. malaysians, berani buat, tp tak berani nak bertanggungjawab).

Her husband, who is in Singapore, told The Straits Times that he was unhappy with the sentence.

“As a Muslim, I have the right to teach her and punish her myself because I'm her husband. That's what Islam taught us,” he said, adding that he wanted to remain anonymous. (OH! hes a muslim after all! duh, you were caught with your wife! i know whats her punishment "only soft drinks for you for a week! ok honey?")

“I don't understand why they decided to punish her. I don't think it's fair but let's leave it to God to judge the actions of those people who punished my wife.” (yes yes, Allah sent down the prophets and its guidance for nothing then).

In Malaysia's dual-track system, women convicted under its civil jurisdiction are not caned. But the caning for women under the syariah system is less harsh.

Kartika's father, Shukarnor Mutalib, 60, said the punishment by the court was according to the Islamic laws in Malaysia and that the incident had taught his daughter a useful lesson.

But Shahrizat, the Women, Family and Community Development Minister, did not feel it was a fair and just punishment when she expressed shock at the decision, adding that her ministry was following the case closely. (ahh.. when atlantuya died, did you bat an eye lid?)

Titiwangsa MP Lo'lo Mohd Ghazali, who is also head of the women's wing of the opposition PAS, said that punishment should educate and not cause hurt. (how to educate Dr.Lo Lo, its an open fact that drinking in malaysia is as common as bangladeshis spitting on the sidewalks).

Responding to the criticism, Syariah Lawyers Association deputy president Musa Awang said the judge had made the decision based on provisions of the law.

“Any unhappiness with the syariah court decision must be made via procedures provided by law,” he said.

“Although the two leaders' intention was to defend women, they should understand the whipping methods according to Islam,” he was quoted as saying in a statement yesterday.

He said the rotan used in caning women should not be more than 1.22m long and not more than 1.25cm thick. He also highlighted the “moderate force” used. (ill bet she used to something thicker than that :P)

finally, those caught drinking will be whip! but i do hope it doesnt stop there with the models only. but how can any one curb drinking alcohol when you can get it at 7 11 shops with are partly / fully owned by one royal family?

plus how do expect muslims malay to understand that drinking is haram when in fact carlsberg board of directors consist of muslim malaysian malay??

confusing isnt it?

i know. :)

lets just stick to teh tarik shall we? its a whole lot safer and yummier.

plus it doesnt stink you up the morning after.

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