
If your fear death, then do not try to live.
If you fear to fail, then do not even try.
If you fear to lose someone, then do not even love.
If you fear old age, then do not grow.
But is there anyone alive; one without the other?

You will feel no contentment, if you do not give.
You will feel no compassion, if you cannot cry.

It dawned on me what I lack to understand the way of being a man, being a man one must strive for one path and yet be aware there is another path of the opposite. In life there is always the duality, the yin and yang, black and white and good and evil. To want one side of the path one must learn to accept the existence of the other.

If you must love or to fall in love, then you must accept the reality that there will be a time of falling out of love, or even hate. Nothing last forever in this lifetime of ours. Even the angels that seems to be in existence before us has an ending, so does Iblis (the Fallen angel) itself.

If you were prepare to want to be full of love, remember there will always be hatred in this world. There is no way of denying hatred but we do not have to embrace it, acknowledge it as way perhaps to realize its existence, but not to fear it. Fear something and in the end all else of evil will follow suite.

When there is a beginning there will always be an end. A story must end and so must the song. One story cannot continue endlessly, its not part of its nature. But the end, strive we must go for. Go for with a good ending, go for an end that leaves the heart happy and content so that when you try to move on with another story, a bitter taste the former does not leave within.

Being afraid of changes is what makes us human, being afraid lets us see our true feelings to certain matters. Being afraid let us see that there are things that means to us more than another. We feel afraid because of many things, but most probably because of changes. Changes that we cannot control, changes that are meant to happen and changes that leads us to another path of road while it leads others another.

I for one are afraid of changes, afraid that the change that is about to happen is not in my favour. I wanted everything to stay the way it is, I wanted to taste the honey and I did, God grant me the wish to taste the honey that was so elusive to me before. It was sweet, it was bitter and it was wonderful. Much of my waiting was paid of, and I got to stick my finger inside the pot full of honey. I didn’t understand why it took so long for this to happen, why it took time and time after endless test of faith before God finally let me dip my fingers. And now my honey pot is nearing emptiness, the honey has all but little run out. I wipe the inner side of the pot with my fingers, not one but the whole of my hand, trying as best I could to gather the little left honey. I had so much to begin with but my hunger for its sweetness has made me greedy and I suck on without much thought. The ecstasy was intoxicating; I was in another world, world that I have dreamed of since I was a child. But now, God wills it and the honey is all but nearly gone, God took time in giving me the chance to taste the honey because God understands my position. God wanting me to suffer and strive for the ultimate goal before giving me the way that I always wanted to go. God wanted me to learn appreciation and thanksgiving for the precious gift that was given to me.

The honey is nearly gone.
But I remembered well how it tasted like.
The honey is nearly gone.
But I remember how it looked like.
The honey is nearly gone.
But I still remember.
And I will never forget it.
It is forever mixed in the essence of me.

1 blurbs:

*cosmic freak* said...

as long as you still can remember that it exist once in your life, it can never really ceased out of your memory ... (now I don't know what the heck I just wrote, do you?)

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