working like a donkey

[logo of the 5S project my department is undertaking to increase the performance of the staff, click on link to find what its all about]

working on several projects all of which making my life quite miserable due to the fact that i 'accidentally' reformated my D: drive. oh joy! now i've to redo a major part of the work that i've been working on for some months.

like a donkey i work,
for the measly carrots,
that taste so sweet for a while,
but always wanting more.

increasingly irritated with the Malaysian population as a whole, for their disregard of medication errors that might occur when one dispense medication without consultation.

there are increasing number of retail pharmacy without pharmacists (the body) attending to customers who require medications some of which can only be obtained by a prescription.

do they know the risk that they take every time they dispense medication over the counter?

the risk of inappropriate dosage and misinformation that might occur?

did they know that sore throats can't be cured by antibiotics?

those are just a few problems that i faced during my stint as a locum pharmacist. its a tough job educating the public on the issue of taking their medications correctly.

GOAL for 2009:
educating the public on the dangers of inappropriate medications.

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