Expect the unexpected..

Hjh Soyah [1907 (estimation) - 2005] Posted by Picasa

Expect the Unexpected... so they say, but are we ready for it when it really comes?

Two things that I thought would never happen, happened on this very rainy tuesday;

1. The Matriach of me mama's clan died today. (alfatihah to hjh soyah)
She lived to almost a hundred, her birthday seems to have been unknown to everyone even to her own son and we could only guess how old she is. she might even already been over hundred but who knows,for sure she ain't anything below 90.

the earliest memories of this particular great grand aunt (my great grandmother's sister) was that she tried she very best to 'sua' (sort of 'give to you') he prunely wrinkled breast when i was a wee bit of a toddler. she has this odd sense of motherhood that she was still producing milk at the age of 50. the lucky thing was i never got to taste the forbidden fruit but i heard some of my cousins had, all due to their innocences.

The thing that touched me about her was that during Hari Raya, she would never fail to sob and cry whenever any of us would pop over and give her the mandatory visit. To go back to kampung and not visit her was unheard off. only some would dared to go against the customary visit. she was the 'mother' to us all. she 'mothered' most of my grand relatives, taking the role of being a mom to orphans and the likes like my grandfather was. she was strict, like any negri sembilan women of those days yet with a hint of tenderness. Her crying and sobbing, would remind us of family, i guess in a way she was touched that people came to visit her and remembered her. for me there's no way in the world i could forget her.

i don't know whether to expect or not this death. i know we all die some point in our lives but to expect her to die, well i couldn't really imagine. she has been around as long as i can remember.

when it comes to distance this is one of the cons of it, when someone dies; you can't exactly go back straight away. so i guess i just pray for her from all the way here.

2. Watched a real life malay drama unfolds in the rain.
me and my housemate was walking towards the shop we always go to for dinner, and along the way there was this couple; with no umbrellas walking ahead of us. i don't know if its just me or its pretty obvious but when drama's unfold my eyes could spot it without a blank.

at first they were walking hand in hand in the rain (blardy romantic ain't it?) like any other couple would but some how or rather, the girl seems hesistant to walk. like she was drag out into the rain with some force. on and off the would hold hands with the girl pulling her hands at time and stopping in the rain. they said some stuff which by distance i couldnt make out of but obviously they were fighting (oooher.. drama drama dramaa). they walked a bit more and hold hands and stopped. she turned around, they argued though no screaming or shouting but just talking. she took something off her finger and gave the bugger. even put it into his hands. (pergh....someone should call mohaiden razak..) he looked stumped, she walked off. he looked stumped again and she left him in the rain. (damn it would love to see him running after her and begging on his knees, but alas .. guys being guys .. hahahahaha) .. more walking from her and he also walked off in the other direction, looking back once in a while. then walked off for good. stupid arse.. should have run back after her and said freaking 'i love you' or 'im sorry' ...

seriously i watched it with my own two eyes...

2 blurbs:

Anonymous said...

hehe... real life telenovela.... cool!!!

Anonymous said...

1)condolences to ur family...
2) tat only happen in fairy tales!! wish guys wud not be tat egoistical~ no offence , juz a general opinion...


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