To Serve and To Protect

To Serve and To Protect Posted by Picasa

My Lord, I have come of age.
But I feel life is nothing but a cage.

My Lord, I am old enough as of today,
But I feel life is short of the things I pray.

My Lord, Am I able to hold your words true?
Like a tree against the storm so cruel.

Why does my heart beats so unnaturally fast everytime His Highness walks by? Why does my hands grips unnaturally strong on this swords that I hold close to me? And my intuitions sharpens with the ticking of the clock.

Why is it that everytime His highness walks past, my hand naturally without commands or orders holds up against my forehead as a sign of submission. I don't understand where this feelings comes from. I am not of pure blood, or do I know of any connection. But yet here I am dreaming of one day walking by His side, my swords armed and ready and I'm prepared to lay my life for himyou.

Why am I the only one who feels such things? A man of lesser blood, it is not my position to dreams of such things. It is not!


Its weird to be of someone from this Age of time to be dreaming of such matters.

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